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Virtual Office

Get Your Taxes Prepared From Anywhere 

File taxes with a tax professional from any location. Our team of tax experts provides virtual tax preparation services for both individuals and businesses. With the convenience of an internet connection, you can have your taxes done from the comfort of your own home, office, or anywhere. Contact us today to learn more our services.

How It Works


Step1: Gather Your Documents 

Gather your tax records and review the terms of service. To aid you, refer to the checklists below. 

Working on Laptop

Step 2: Share Your

Share your documents via our portal, by fax, or by drop off. Contact your consultant for other sharing options.

Office Desk

Step 3: Get Your Taxes

Please fill out the client info form and schedule a brief phone call. Your accountant will prepare your taxes after the call. Next, a tax summary will be given to you.


Step 4: Approve
& Pay

Review your tax summary and inform us of your approval of the outcome. Then pay your tax prep fees.


Step 5: Review Your Return and Sign

Go over your tax return. Let your accountant know if any adjustments are necessary. Next, sign your return. Then your tax return will be electronically filed by your expert.

Lastly, read the post file tips.

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